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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 QuYCHfP

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 EmptyПет Фев 26, 2016 1:35 pm by Katherine Night

» in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 EmptyПет Фев 26, 2016 12:04 pm by Katherine Night

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:12 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_mhefpm6fCp1rgyqejo5_250
Ако вземеш да припаднеш от глад и жажда аз ще бъда тази която ще разпитвай. Кой знае, може да решат че съм те отровила.
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:14 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nteju0Cmbp1sq302mo1_500
Напомняш ми за сестра ми. Тя имаше подобно.. чувство за хумор.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
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Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:15 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2
Защо говориш в минало време?
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:17 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_npt08oa2Ra1sq302mo4_250
Не е нужно да развалям деня ти.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:18 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_m07rm43wwa1r54gqno1_500
Охх боже съжалявам.
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:19 pm

Не е нужно да съжаляваш. Не е твоя вината.
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_npt08oa2Ra1sq302mo7_250
Това е тъжна история, която не е нужно да бъде разказвана. И въпреки всичко това е причината да стана полицай.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:24 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_mr2mbmeAIF1r4sd5ro1_250
Хубаво е че си намерил смисъла си в живота
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:28 pm

Доста силно казано.
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_ntx1d47DgW1sq302mo1_250
Какво правиш ти в свободното си време?
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:29 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_mskb0paMUh1rhn63po1_500
Мотам се с приятели, прекарвам времето си с Дерек и сестра ми, пия, забавлявам се, говоря с брат си
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:30 pm

Сестра, брат..
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_ntx1d47DgW1sq302mo3_250
Имаш си голямо семейство.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:33 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_mh5b82g07q1r9s0v0o7_250
Той живее отделно много надалеч и не го виждам често. А нашите са сбъркани
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:39 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_ntx1d47DgW1sq302mo6_250
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:41 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_mutkesbPGQ1qdrt81o4_250
Майка ми е луда а баща ми мъж от чехъл. Понякога си мисля че аз и Вивиан сме нормалните в семейството
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:42 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nqge1pZqx51tbwu5bo7_250
Семействата са различни. Всяко със своята история. Не бих могъл да съдя, дори да искам.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:44 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_my5ym7AJq51rg5w1l
А вашето семейство г-н полицай?
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:47 pm

Нямам такова.
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nqxhf9YLqS1sq302mo2_250
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:50 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_mafsojzX401qfc8cw
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:52 pm

Недей, Катрин..
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nv1krbDGRg1sq302mo2_250
Не го казах, за да ме съжаляваш. Може би е най-добре да не говорим за мен.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 10:56 pm

Не се съжалявам ти си намерил сили да продължиш напред а не да пропилееш живота си
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Delena-gif-gif
Хайде да отидем до магазина
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 11:01 pm

Хайде.. да вървим.
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nqsfpuJAqm1uzea0oo1_500
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 11:06 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Giphy
Пеш или с кола?
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 11:07 pm

На дали искаш да се возиш в патрулка?
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nqsfpuJAqm1uzea0oo2_500
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 11:09 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 8c8c95c7c7108ff7a4c6058f998ba0c3
Вече съм се возила няколко пъти в патрулка
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Kyle Keen Чет Фев 25, 2016 11:10 pm

Значи колегите ми те познават?
in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_nsrmcoTrI81sq302mo3_250
Това е интересно.
Kyle Keen
Kyle Keen
Town and Gown
Town and Gown

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in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Empty Re: in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle}

Писане by Katherine Night Чет Фев 25, 2016 11:12 pm

in my dark times.. taking it back to these streets {katherine and kyle} - Page 2 Tumblr_ndnyifE5ny1qh2opmo1_500
Имаше един купон и един инцидент. Не знаех, че ми бяха сложили алкохол в сока и ме хванаха да шофирам не трезва
Katherine Night
Katherine Night
Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma

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